Engaging with our Point of Care (POC) content—whether print or digital, at home, in the exam room or on the go—emboldens patients to strike a true partnership with their healthcare providers, to adopt the lifestyle changes that make a difference, to ask the right questions, to adhere to their treatment plans—in short, to take the actions proven to lead to better outcomes. And better outcomes, of course, imbue them with greater faith in their doctors and in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries on the whole.
Today, more than ever, pharma can use a helping hand in bolstering their trustworthiness quotient: According to the Edelman 2022 Trust Barometer, the industry suffered a nosedive in the last year, with its trust rating plummeting 13 points from 51% to 38% among U.S. consumers surveyed.
Susan Isenberg, global health chair at Edelman, has attributed the decline to several factors: “We think what may have happened this year, in particular in the United States, is that the backdrop over the uncertainty over the ACA [Affordable Care Act], the opioid epidemic, pricing and the whole healthcare blame game that’s going on in terms of pricing and access, probably had an effect on the trust scores,” she has said. Yet all is not lost. One key way pharma can rebuild their reputation is by delivering information directly to patients in an accessible, relatable and compassionate package.

“To Health Monitor, trust is not merely the buzzword of the moment; it is the guiding force of the brand. Since its inception, Health Monitor has offered patients sound information and proactive strategies for optimizing their health.”
Enter Health Monitor. We specialize in all of the above and offer unparalleled credibility. For one, our Medical Advisory Board and key opinion leaders comprise true leaders in their fields—the people who conduct the trials, write the studies and create the guidelines. Just a few of the stars on our roster: dermatologist Mark Lebwohl, MD, Dean for Clinical Therapeutics and Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai; ob/gyn Mary Jane Minkin, MD, Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University; cardiologist Roger Blumenthal, MD, Director of the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease; and oncologist Marc Garnick, MD, a world-renowned clinician and clinical investigator in prostate and other urologic cancers.
Our relationships with these experts—who consult with our editors, review our work and attest to its quality—span the better part of a decade. They believe in the value of HM’s products and our pivotal role in improving the HCP-patient dialogue and patient quality of life. “The reason I keep working with Health Monitor is because what they do helps patients,” says Dr. Lebwohl. “They have a similar vision that I do…and a tremendous amount of credibility.”
And another reason HM ranks so high on the trust scale is that complacency is not in our vocabulary. We regularly ask ourselves, what can we do better? When we posed the question in 2021, we realized that DEI was an area that needed close attention. To that end, we engaged Julius Wilder, MD, PhD, Chair of Duke’s DEI Committee, and Leslie Eldeiry, Chair of AACE’s DEI Committee, to collaborate with us. We started looking at our voice. At our imagery. We addressed social determinants of health, asking ourselves questions such as, where are our readers living? Where are they shopping? What is their access to healthcare? To transportation? Can they afford their medications? As a result, we believe today’s HM is more vibrant, inclusive and motivational than ever.
Health Monitor not only offers patients the trusted content that condition sufferers rely on but truly meaningful engagement generated by relevant, immersive content that translates into an ideal environment to profile therapies and help build brands with proven results.