Our CEO David Paragamian moderated a discussion at the recent Digital Innovation Week between our SVP/Chief Content Officer, Maria Lissandrello, and Duke University’s, Julius Wilder, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, as they discussed why the most important number that determines a patient’s long term health outcome is NOT their weight, their BMI, their HBa1c – it is their zip code. The premise that demographics are destiny. Perhaps true enough but we believe it goes deeper into the need for understanding all the socio-economic, and cultural issues for individual patients – because that is what they are – individuals not an aggregate zip code cohort.
Learn more about Health Monitor’s investment in a 3-year investigational study led by Duke Clinical Research Institute’s Julius Wilder, MD, PhD —a patient education study that aims to better understand diverse populations and how to best reach them and impart health information in a way that motivates them to take action and build trust in the healthcare system. communities.
Dave Paragamian — CEO, Health Monitor Network
Julius Wilder, MD, PhD — Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine
Maria Lissandrello — SVP/Chief Content Officer, Health Monitor Network